Start the Familyfest Fun Cruise at Lake Lorraine July 22

From 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, July 22, families can spend the day together cruising to area businesses and organizations to participate in activities, enter to win prizes and get some deals! It’s the Hood Magazine Familyfest Fun Cruise — AND it’s Crazy Days at Lake Lorraine!

Stops are located throughout the community, including three at Lake Lorraine. Your family can go to as many or as few stops as you would like and in any order. At each stop, there will be a QR Code for your family to scan. When you scan the code, you will be asked to enter your name, email and answer a question about that stop. Every time you scan a different QR Code and answer the question, you earn one entry into the Familyfest Fun Cruise prize drawings.

Many families will start at the swag bags stop at Lake Lorraine, in the parking lot of Wings-West and Child’s Play Toys. Sponsored by Black Hills Federal Credit Union, the swag bags are free to the first 500 families (one per family). Be sure to hit up the three Lake Lorraine stops, too, while you’re there.

Wings-West will have fun carnival games and will share information about their class and care options. Stop in to Child’s Play Toys for toys, games and educational activities, plus specials. Color Splash Studio, located on the west side of the lake, will show you how to tie-die and has a koozie for everyone who visits.
Find more information on the Facebook event.

Amy Smolik