There's nothing 'crazy' about shopping local

Over the weekend of July 19-20, many retailers across the community will offer “crazy” deals to entice shoppers to their stores during the annual Summer Crazy Days, including several Lake Lorraine businesses.

The crazy deals are just the hook — retailers hope you’ll stop and shop, yes. But they also hope you’ll have a positive experience and come back again and again. A recent column by Jodi Schwan in SiouxFalls.Business addressed the challenges that many small retailers face — it’s hard to turn a profit.

While 605 Running Company isn’t located at Lake Lorraine, there are a number of small retailers and nationally known brands that can be found here at the development. And many of those businesses could echo similar challenges shared in the article. Lake Lorraine is a great mix of national retailers and local businesses. There’s easy, free parking across the development. For shoppers, it’s great to be able to hit one spot and knock off items from the shopping list. Shopping is an experience. When you shop local, you get that personal touch and can often interact with the owner — you don’t get that online. Want help finding something special? Our shop owners will help find the right size and the right gift for someone. Perhaps the store will price match or special order an item.  

Even more importantly, wherever you’re shopping at the lifestyle center, your dollars stay local. When you buy local, the local business buys from other local businesses, which keeps money in the economy, creating a revolving turnover of local dollars. Local businesses utilize local services, supplies and employees; employees and owners spend wages locally; and that local business pays taxes here, which funds schools, infrastructure, services and more.  

We want Sioux Falls to be a destination for visitors and future residents, as well as future business owners. Having great local businesses adds to the diversity and uniqueness of our community. Shopping small and shopping local keeps our businesses open.

Summer Crazy Days lasts just one weekend. Great, local experiences can be found year-round — as long as we remember to support them.

Amy Smolik